Malcolm MacDonald of Norfolk, UK, is father of two children and was like any other man. Then, everything started changing when he contracted a severe infection. This infection affected his perineum – the area in the body between the scrotum and anus. In time, it became worse and turned into sepsis – a case of blood poisoning.
Things got really serious when his fingers, toes, and most distressingly, his penis, turned black. Then, in 2014, he suffered the ultimate nightmare for any male being. One day, when he was at his house, his phallus fell off from the body, leaving him, in his own words, "completely gutted."
"I had struggled for years with an infection in my perineum but I had no idea what could happen... When I saw my penis go black, I was beside myself... I was in a complete panic. I knew deep down it was gone and I was going to lose it. Then one day it just dropped off on to the floor," Malcolm was quoted as saying.

New Penis
But now, as per the report in The Sun newspaper, life is going to become close to normal for the 45-year old man. Thanks to generous help from the NHS, and the brilliant work of a renowned specialist in this field, Malcolm will get a new penis. However, this new penis is already fully developed but is currently attached to a part of the body where it shouldn't be – his arm.
The new penis has now grown completely and is due to be detached from the left arm and put in the place where a normal penis is. However, this last process has been delayed due to several reasons and the penis is still hanging from the arm of MacDonald. He tries to hide it as much as possible, through long-sleeved shirts usually but has become used to it.
In fact, he now finds the whole thing funny and has named this new member 'Jimmy.' "Of course, it is mad, having a penis on your arm. Not even I am used to it. But when you think about it, it's actually amazing," MacDonald observed.

The Construction Process
The process of penile reconstruction was carried out by Professor David Ralph. The latter developed the new phallus on his left arm through a complex process. This involved taking a vein from the body and wrapping it in skin grafted from the left arm. This wrap was given the shape of a penis and attached to the same arm. The top of the shaft was removed and the base remained to grown naturally in the form of tissue and skin.
Once his penis is in its rightful place, it would allow the middle-aged man to pass urine in a normal way and also indulge in sexual intimacy. Both a urethra has been created in the penis for the passage of urine and a unique mechanism has been provided for erections and intercourse.
There is an implant in the penis that is attached to a saline reservoir. A pump attached to the whole system that can be used to make the penis erect when required. However, it isn't sex that is the main motivator for Malcolm to get a new penis. He says being able to urinate easily and just having more self-confidence is the main thing.
Professor Ralph was also responsible for developing a bionic penis for a man named Andrew Wardle, who didn't have one from his birth. Two other cases of men getting a bionic penis are recorded. Using skin grafted from the arm is the preferred process as the arm has better skin with more sensation.