Carlsberg Singapore is once more ready to offer a job as a part of their Probably The Best Job in the World campaign to one lucky fan, who is willing to spend four hours as a beer taster and brand ambassador in the company.
The beer company announced that it will pay a whopping salary of $20,000 for the stint. The amount is twice the salary that was paid for the first edition of the campaign.
"Whatever Carlsberg does, we strive to do better. While the exhilarating job of a beer taster remains the same this year, the successful applicant will earn S$20,000, which is double the salary offered last year — simply to enjoy 'Probably the best beer in the world'," Jimmy Toh, the general manager of Carlsberg Singapore told Today Online.
The job requirements listed in the advertisement include "zero experience" and "100% Carlsberg Passion". So all you need is to have a burning passion for Carlsberg beer.
Participants will have to explain why they think that they are the best job applicant for the said job in up to 140 characters. They would also have to name a song title that describes their feeling the best when they drink Carlsberg.
"We are looking for the best candidate that exemplifies this spirit, and demonstrates passion for the Carlsberg brand to bag this unique job opportunity," Toh added.
Interested applicants can apply at www.probablythebest.com.sg for free from now. The registrations will close on Dec 4 and the shortlisted candidates will have to attend an interview on Dec 15 afternoon. Applicants must be over the legal drinking age of 18.
On the final day, a Class 95 DJ will announce the name of the lucky person, who will be selected for the job.
In 2015, social media manager Daniel Osgodby was the winner of the Carlsberg's Probably The Best Job in the World campaign. He was awarded an amount of S$10,000 after completing pints of Carlsberg beer for four hours.