The US President Donald Trump is planning another White House run in 2024 even as he floats wild theories of getting state electors to flip in his favor so that he can stay in power, as per reports. The chances of Trump overturning Joe Biden's win get slimmer as the states start to certify their election results, more news outlets have called Arizona for Biden, and Trump's campaign failed to give evidence of massive voter fraud.
But Trump has not stopped throwing ideas on how he can remain in the White House and is planning to steal the glory of Biden by announcing another run on the day his rival gets certified as the winner of the 2020 contest.
Trump has stayed locked behind closed doors as he plans his next steps. "We are moving forward here at the White House under the assumption that there will be a second Trump term,' White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said. "We think he won that election, and any speculation about what Joe Biden might do I think is moot at this point," he added.
Trump's Chances of Overturning Election Results Getting Slimmer

During a meeting at the White House as the advisers explained the chances of him changing the election results are slim, the president asked whether the Republican state legislatures select pro-Trump electors who can, in turn, give him a second term when they meet in January for casting their votes, as reported by The New York Times.
The aides mentioned that the president privately knows he has lost the elections but still is continuing to complain. He has failed to give any evidence and the group responsible for overseeing the cybersecurity for the 2020 contest has stated that the election was the most secure one in American history, as per reports. But Trump has denied such claims. "Tens of thousands of votes were stolen from us and given to Biden," the president had alleged.
As Trump continues to contest the election, many Republican Party members have stated that Biden must receive the presidential daily briefing. The Republican Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina had mentioned Biden should get it.
Other Republicans are urging the president to move on. However, Trump has considered announcing a 2024 bid as soon as the electors certify the November Election for Biden. This will make him the frontrunner for the Republican nominee and allow him to be the leading voice for the opposition in the next four years. But according to Trump's aides, there are no plans for a second term, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. Trump is also not focused on what can be done in the days left for him at the office.