In a love story gone sour, a 22-year-old girl underwent extreme physical torture at the hands of her 19-year old boyfriend, whom she met through social media. Catalina Mireles (22) began dating Jackub Jackson Hildreth after they met on Facebook three weeks ago.
In the incident, which took place in an apartment on the West Side of San Antonio, Texas, Hildreth carved his name on the victim's forehead before punching her face 10 times that left her jaw broken in three places. The San Antonio police arrested Hildreth and have charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Trouble started due to discussion about their relationship

Speaking about the horrific incident which lasted for several hours before he fled away, Mireless said that the attack started soon after Hildreth got into an argument with Mireles over their relationship. "He was going to put me in the closet until he figured out what he was going to do with my body," said Mireles talking about the attack which started in the morning and lasted till noon.
Struggling to speak through a badly bruised and swollen face, Mireles said that Hildreth grabbed her by the neck and started punching her in the face. The impact of the blows was so strong that it left her jaw broken from three places. Once he was done punching, Hildreth grabbed a knife and started carving his name on Mireles's forehead. Later, he fled the apartment.
Hildreth is a history-sheeter

Hildreth who was arrested within hours of committing the crime, has two outstanding warrants for burglary assault and family assault, against him. It was revealed during the police investigation that Hildreth has a history of family violence. Badly shaken by the incident, Mireles said, "Don't trust anybody you think you might know."
Speaking about the incident, Juanita Lopez, mother of the victim said that she was relieved to know that Hildreth was arrested and was now behind the bars. "She was scared for her life, he tried to kill her. I don't want him to get out again because he's going to hurt someone else. She's my baby, I didn't expect this to happen," she added.