Just a few days ago an astronomer named Gennady Borisov discovered an interstellar comet that has reached from the deep nooks of the space. Now, Gemini observatory has snapped the first-ever image of this interstellar comet and it is undoubtedly mindblowing.
The image of this interstellar comet named C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) was taken on September 9.
In the image, a very well-defined tail, a unique characteristic of comets can be seen clearly and experts believe that this tail is due to a natural phenomenon called outgassing.
It should be noted that this is for the first time an interstellar visitor has clearly shown a tail due to the phenomenon of outgassing. The first interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua' that reached the solar system from the deep space had no visible tail due to outgassing.
"This image was possible because of Gemini's ability to rapidly adjust observations and observe objects like this, which have very short windows of visibility," said Andrew Stephens, a researcher at the Gemini Observatory, Phys.org reports.
"However, we really had to scramble for this one since we got the final details at 3:00 am and were observing it by 4:45!" he further added.
C/2019 Q4 has a hyperbolic orbit and it indicates that it has its origin outside the solar system. Experts believe that this comet will come near to earth in the coming months and it will help researchers to observe it more clearly in the future.
Earlier, Avi Loeb, a researcher at Harvard University had suggested that Oumuamua, the first interstellar comet could be actually an alien space probe. As per Loeb, the weird shape and trajectory of this space body is a clear indication that Oumuamua is an alien sail. However, several space experts panned the views of Loeb, and they made it clear that this object has no alien connection.