Michael Braeseke, a social sciences teacher at South Broward High School, is accused of watching porn during a virtual class session with his students. Following the viral video, uploaded by his students, an investigation was launched by the Broward County Public Schools.
After the controversial video was posted on Twitter on Monday night, several current and former students of Braeseke have spoken about his inappropriate conduct, on the microblogging site.

Loud Pornographic Noises Heard During the Virtual Class
In the 15 second clip uploaded on the microblogging site, Braeseke is seen sitting behind a desk during the live class. He is continuously looking down when suddenly a loud sound of a woman moaning during sex while shouting 'Oh My God!' is heard in the background. Braeseke is seen sitting calmly with a slight smile on his face, completely unaware that the students are listening to the sounds coming from his end.
South Broward high school teacher Mr Micheal Braseke watches pornography in class. This teacher is a known pervert who has made inappropriate advances toward students in the past. @SBHSPrincipal How can you let this happen ? pic.twitter.com/gNoly72xcu
— elijah ruby (@elijahruby3) December 14, 2020
According to Miami Herald the video was posted by Elijah Ruby, a former South Broward High student, who also tagged principal Patricia Brown in her tweet. "South Broward high school teacher Mr Micheal Braseke watches pornography in class. This teacher is a known pervert who has made inappropriate advances toward students in the past. @SBHSPrincipal How can you let this happen ?" read the tweet.
The tweet was shared several times as it went viral on the microblogging site.
Students Share Their Ordeal Involving the Teacher
Soon after the video was uploaded and the authorities of the school tagged in the tweet, Brown responded by saying that she would look into the allegations. "My student's welfare is always of the utmost importance & always will be. As a survivor myself, I would never ignore concerns expressed. Social media is not the best medium to address issues of this importance. Please encourage others to email/ call me. They ARE loved & valued!" she tweeted.
With Mr.Braseke’s abuse coming to light I‘d like to take this moment to say that South Broward High School has been infested with pedophiles for way to long. I personally had been sexually harassed and assaulted by NUMEROUS teachers and staff during all of my four years...
— Paula Alejandra (@oceanloverr_) December 15, 2020
However, soon there were other students who shared their incidents involving the alleged accused teacher. "did y'all forget about him literally punching the 700 building hallway door window?? literally blue tape was put over the window and he threw it was either a stapler or a ruler at one of my classmates," commented a user.
not surprised at the sheepish behavior of South Broward admin. the school has recieved complaints, but due to Braeseke’s high test scores and such, they don’t act on actually reprimanding him. disgusted and let down again.
— jared (@jared_grande_13) December 15, 2020
"I remember I was in the gym getting water and someone turned the spout and it splashed on me and he said "are you used to getting wet like that" I complained to my coaches and nothing happened. He's WEIRD," wrote another student.
"this man deadass told me i'd be a prostitute when i got older and then laughed and asked what corner id be on... GET HIM OUTTTAAAA THEREEE," added another student.
According to the outlet, the district released a statement claiming that a investigation into the video has been launched.