Singapore police have arrested a 20-year-old man for allegedly molesting a 9-year-old girl on a public bus. The incident associated with the crime happened on August 16, on a public bus that was traveling along Bedok Reservoir Road. The police statement which was released on August 20 did not reveal the convict's name to protect the identity of the victim.
After getting molested on the public bus, the girl alighted and entered the lift of a Housing board block. The man followed her, and when the lift reached its destination, he dragged her out of the lift to the stairwell and molested her again. The girl soon started screaming, and he fled the scene.
During the investigation, the Bedok Police Division made use of CCTV cameras and nabbed the culprit on Monday. The arrest took place at the Tampines Street 45.
For molesting an underage kid, the man could face a punishment of five years in jail, fine and caning.
As the number of molestation cases gets increased in Singapore, the police have advised women to adopt crime prevention measures like staying alert, avoiding traveling through dimly lit areas, and carrying a shrill alarm. The police also asked the citizens to call '999' to get emergency services.
"If you are molested, seek help immediately from those around you. Take note of the prominent features and attire of the suspect as well as the direction in which he or she went. Call '999' as soon as possible to increase the chances of apprehending the suspect early," said the police in the statement.
The arrest was made just hours after another sexual predator was jailed for 12.5 years and caning after he was found guilty for molesting the 8-year-old daughter of his girlfriend. The accused was convicted of three charges including one count of committing an indecent act with a minor, one count of outraging the modesty of a minor under 14 and one count of aggravated sexual assault by penetration.