English pop singer Kim Wilde has recently revealed that she has witnessed an alien UFO above her house in 2009. In a recent talk with the Attitude Magazine, the 'Kids in America' singer said that she is still living in fear out of that close encounter, and added that she could be abducted by alien superfans at any time.
During the interview with Attitude, Kim Wilde recalled the horrifying memories of her bizarre UFO encounter.
"There were a couple of massive lights just above the clouds, going backward and forwards in an extraordinary way. Quite a lot of people witnessed them, it made the local papers," told Kim to Attitude.
During the talk, Kim sarcastically said that the captain of the alien ship may be a big fan of Kim Wilde, and he might be searching for her residence.
"I said to my husband that maybe the captain was a big Kim Wilde fan and wanted to know where I live. I'm worried he's going to beam me up and I'll have to sing Kids in America to him for the rest of my life," continued Kim.
When asked about the existence of aliens, Kim told that she believes in extraterrestrial life. She made it clear that aliens have already visited and are closely watching our movements.
"When you see something as extraordinary and maybe extra-terrestrial like that you're never quite the same," added Kim Wilde.
Interestingly, the new comments from Kim came just weeks before the release of her new album named 'Here come the aliens.' The new album will be released in next month, and it will be her first collection of original songs since 1996. Many skeptics of Kim Wilde believe that the singer has made such bizarre comments about alien life to gain publicity for her upcoming album.