A 76-year-old man was sentenced to seven-day long detention order on Wednesday after he could not take the refusal from his 67-year-old wife, who was not ready to have sex with him and as a result of that, the elderly man injured the woman.
As per the law, the man, Ang Boon Tiong have to spend seven days behind the bars, but after his release, he will not have any criminal record. He was also ordered to go to a day reporting centre for one year where he would be monitored, counselled and officials will help him to rehabilitate.
Reports showed that before the recent incident, in February 2017, when the wife of the accused threw a toy away that Ang was found at a void deck, he became furious. The man was in so much anger that he pushed a chair at the woman before pulling her away from the window of their house when she started to shout for help. That time medical reports showed marks of injuries on her lower back and left kneecap.
However, on Wednesday, during the hearing, the court came to know that in 2010 Ang's wife Gan Choon Har had already applied for a personal protection order against her husband that was granted on May 27.
The Deputy Public Prosecutor Kenneth Kee told the court that Ang pleaded guilty of assaulting his wife and breaching the personal protection order. The also heard that the incident took place after an argument between Ang and Gan on November 10, 2015, at around November 10.
As reported the argument started over the placement of some items that Ang had gathered but since those things were allegedly blocking the path, Gan moved them aside. Later, when the accused noticed the change, he started the argument. Suddenly, he grabbed his wife's hand and twisted the left wrist forcefully.
The DPP Kee mentioned that once the argument was over, exactly after one hour the Ang showed his willingness to have sex with his wife. But, when Gan refused to have an intimate connection at that moment, he pushed her so hard that she fell down and wounded herself. The next day, she lodged a police complaint against Ang.
Two days after the incident she went for a check-up at Bedok Polyclinic and the reports clearly showed that evidence of physical violence, as Gan was suffered from bruises on both arms.
The court has offered him a bail of $15,000 but asked him to surrender himself on August 8 at the State Courts and then he will be sent to serve his short prison sentence.