A survey has found that women with bigger boobs are loyal and less likely to cheat. The survey conducted by a dating site found that women with F cup and over are the most faithful.
Illicit Encounters surveyed 1,000 of its female members and found that women with size B were the biggest cheats.

1,000 Females Were Surveyed
Researchers quizzed self-confessed cheats to find out the sizes of those most likely to have an affair behind their partner's back. The study found that just 31% had "big boobs", cup sizes D-G. Those with F cup and over – like recently married model Kelly Brook, who boasts an FF bust – were the least likely to cheat, according to Daily Star.
"The company surveyed 1,000 of our female members to discover a few eye-opening facts about cheating and the size of a woman's bosom," said a spokeswoman for Illicit Encounters.
69% of Women Love-Rats Have A Bra Size Between AA and C Cups
The survey found that nearly 69% of women love-rats have a bra size between AA and C cups, making women with smaller breasts more likely to cheat compared to bigger-busted ladies, according to the spokeswoman.
The survey shows that the number one cup size of an "adulterer is a B cup, with a whopping 35% being cheats," according to Illicit Encounters.
"We also found that Marks and Spencer was the number one place where women bought sexy underwear for their lover's eyes only, followed by Victoria's Secret, and Agent Provocateur," said the spokeswoman, according to Daily Star.
Sex and relationships expert at IllicitEncounters.com Jessica Leoni underlined that "fancy voluptuous women with big breasts? You're better off as they are less likely to cheat."
The expert also pointed out that women prefer Marks and Sparks for lingerie to wear for their illicit encounters.
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